Tara Henry is a Doctoral candidate and a Fellow with the Consortium on Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making (CAnD3), hosted by McGill University. Her research focuses on gender-based health disparities across the life course, with an emphasis on beauty and beauty work as avenues through which gender and age discrimination manifest. Her previous work examines the impact of beauty work on mental health of adolescent girls.
Tara’s dissertation research has a primary focus on the entanglement of appearance, health, and the work performed to maintain each. The goal of her research is to incorporate beauty processes into our understanding of population health and aging to ultimately shape social interventions related to beauty norms.
- 2018 – B.A., Communication, Oakland University, Rochester, MI
- 2022 – M.S., Sociology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
- 2023 – University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI ICSPR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research
- 2023 – McGill University, Introduction to Data Science in R and Documenting in RMarkdown
Professional Experience
Data Scientist – Knowli Data Science
Instructor of Record (Original Course Design) – Sociology
- Sociology of Sex and Gender (SYD 3800)– Summer 2024
Teaching Assistant – Sociology
- Introduction to Sociology (SYG 1000)
- Social Problems (SYG 2010)
- Sociology of Sex and Gender (SYD 3800)
- Gender, Work, and Family (SYO 4374)
- Medical Sociology (SYO 4402)
Teaching Assistant – Public Health
- Health Policy and Society (PHC 4157)
Faculty Supervisors
Tara Henry, ABD
PhD Student
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Subfields: Health and Aging
Specializations: Gender, Bodies and Embodiment, and Media Sociology