Our College’s faculty and staff photo days for Spring have been rescheduled to Wednesday, Feb. 19, and Thursday, Feb. 20, from 10 am to 2 pm in Communications Ground Floor Studio (Bellamy 042).
Photos are taken on a walk-in basis. On Wednesday, studio and outside backgrounds will be offered. On Thursday, only the studio background will be offered.
You can find the library of professional images we’ve taken here: Faculty and Staff. You’ll see we use a white backdrop and studio lighting. We professionally retouch our images, and the process takes 4-6 weeks to receive your images back in most cases.
This opportunity is for faculty, staff, students with graduate appointments or jobs where they need to be listed on our websites, and students in special cohorts (with prior approval requested by the leading faculty member).
Faculty, staff, and ALL students may also take advantage of the Career Center’s ProfessioNole Photo Booth. For more info, visit https://career.fsu.edu/resources/professionole-photobooth.