Unconquered by Debt: A Financial Wellness Program

Program Goals

The goals of the program are to enhance financial literacy and transform decision making so that students become wealth creators. The program will promote balanced financial choices so that students fully understand they are responsible for their current and future lifestyles. The focus is on key life choices: career options, earning, spending, saving, investing, managing credit, evaluating risk, insuring assets, and planning for retirement. The Center seeks to build relationships around campus to promote and implement the program.

Program Resources

Our program covers 33 topics and provides the following resources for each:

  • Content Videos
  • A Topical Story
  • Book References
  • Other Web-Based Resources

Please visit our resource site to access the materials.


Sign up for any or all of this series of free workshops here. All workshops will be held at the Stavros Center for Economic Education, 250 S. Woodward Ave. (next to the UPS Store). Food and drinks will be provided at every event.

Fall 2024 Workshops Schedule

Week 3                                                        

5pm      Sept. 10           Career Essentials – Creating reasonable expectations for your future  

6pm      Sept. 11            Money Management – Determining a healthy spending plan

Week 4                                          

5pm      Sept. 17            Building Blocks to Wealth – Start your journey to financial wellness   

6pm      Sept. 18           Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds – Understanding investment types

Week 5                                          

5pm      Sept. 24            Money Management – Determining a healthy spending plan 

6pm      Sept. 25            Credit Management – Understanding credit and debt, don’t overextend                           

Week 6

5pm      Oct. 1                Credit Management – Understanding credit and debt, don’t overextend            

6pm      Oct. 2               Retirement – It’s never too early to start planning                                        

Week 7

5pm      Oct. 7               Risk Management – Protect your wealth, protect yourself

6pm Oct. 8 Credit Management – Understanding credit and debt, don’t overextend 

Week 8

5pm      Oct. 15              Taxes – Navigating the mystery of tax filing

6pm      Oct. 16              Money Management – Determining a healthy spending plan

Week 9

5pm      Oct. 22             Car Facts – Making informed decisions about what you’ll drive

6pm      Oct. 23             Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds – Understanding investment types

Week 10

5pm      Oct. 29           Home Sweet Home – Investigating housing decisions

6pm      Oct. 30          Credit Management – Understanding credit and debt, don’t overextend

Week 11

5pm      Nov. 5              Investing Principles – Evaluating risks and rewards of investing

6pm      Nov. 6              Taxes – Navigating the mystery of tax filing

Week 12

5pm      Nov. 12             Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds – Understanding investment types

6pm      Nov. 13            Retirement – It’s never too early to start planning

Week 13

5pm      Nov. 19             Retirement – It’s never too early to start planning       

6pm      Nov. 20            Money Management – Determining a healthy spending plan

Certified Peer Mentors

Workshops are led by students who have completed a rigorous certification program to  become Certified Financial Peer Mentors.   In addition to leading these workshops, Peer Mentors also assist other students in personal finance matters and answer questions during individual meetings. To schedule a presentation or an appointment to discuss your situation email coss-financialpeermentor@fsu.edu.

Financial Wellness Coaching

Meet Our Peer Mentors

headshot of garrett gouveia

Garrett Gouveia

Garrett is a graduate student in the Masters of Applied Economics program. Through Unconquered by Debt, he has seen the ways that starting financial education early can make all aspects of life easier and healthier. He uses the program to try and help those the way it helped him, forming knowledge to make the best decisions possible. When he's not hosting workshops or studying, Garrett is usually rock climbing, cooking, or playing video games.

Owen Ritter Headshot

Owen Ritter

Owen is a freshman from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is majoring in Finance and has a strong interest in economics. Owen’s passion for the program stems from his own experience in noticing the lack of financial literacy around campus. In his free time, he loves to play basketball, lift weights, and hang out with friends.

Camila Gabarrin headshot

Camila Gabarrin

Camila is a senior from Boca Raton, Florida; born in Uruguay. She is majoring in Finance & Real Estate who has always valued financial literacy and enjoys informing on tips & tricks on how to make the most out of your money. She considers UBD an amazing program adding value to our community through teaching skills you can take with you forever & everywhere. Camila loves playing sports, discussing emotional development, and all things business. “Anything is possible if you want it bad enough”

Katherine McKernin headshot

Katherine McKernin

Katherine is a junior from Chicago, IL studying actuarial science. She has personally benefitted from acquiring knowledge about personal finance and is passionate about helping others see the importance as well. Katherine feels UBD does a great job explaining topics students may be confused about or unaware of in a straightforward manner. In her free time, Katherine enjoys working out, cooking, and watching TV.

Kaitlyn Gonzales Headshot

Kaitlyn Gonzales

Kaitlyn is a junior from Bradenton, Florida, and is majoring in Communication Science and Disorders. Her interest in financial literacy began in high school and has deepened significantly since coming to FSU, where she observed many of her peers had learned very little about personal finance. Kaitlyn enjoys baking, working out, and having self-care days.

Ava Aguiar Headshot

Ava Aguiar

Ava is a junior from Miami, Florida. She is majoring in Finance with a minor in Economics. She is passionate about helping other's achieve their personal goals through financial wellness. She believes UBD is great way for students to support and encourage each other in their financial literacy journeys. In her free time she enjoys playing pickle ball, going to the gym, going to the beach, and hanging out with friends.

Greg Feinberg Headshot

Greg Feinberg

Greg is a sophomore from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is majoring in marketing and has always had an interest in anything finance related. He believes in the mission of Unconquered by Debt and thinks that everyone can benefit from taking steps to become financially literate. In his free time, he enjoys running, working out, watching movies and hanging out with friends.

Whitney Bouk Headshot

Whitney Bouk

Whitney Bouk is a sophomore from Pensacola, Florida double majoring in Political Science and English. She believes that having financial literacy creates opportunities and that it should be available to everyone. Whitney likes cooking, going to the gym, and writing in her free time.

Sebastian Saez Headshot

Sebastian Saez

Sebastian is a sophomore originally from Miami, FL. He is passionate about economics and investment management and is interested in guiding others through their financial journeys. In his free time, Sebastian enjoys playing golf and reading.

Rose Clermont Headshot

Rose Clermont

Rose is a senior pursing a dual degree in International Affairs and Public Health with a minor in Economics. After taking the Personal Finance course with Dr. Calhoun and applying many of the concepts, Rose has since noticed a drastic change in her finances (especially her spending habits!). As a peer mentor, Rose's goal is to help improve their financial literacy as well and make sustainable changes. In her spare time, Rose enjoys making boards on Pinterest, drinking tea and taking afternoon naps.

Become a Peer Mentor!

If you have an interest in personal finance, have successfully completed ECO 3041, and are comfortable presenting material in front of a group of your peers, please contact us to learn how to become a Certified Financial Peer Mentor: coss-financialpeermentor@fsu.edu

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