Lauryn Klostreich – a fourth-year student majoring in Political Science and International Affairs – was selected as an intern for the Law Offices of Jessica J. Yeary, Public Defender for the 2nd Judicial Court of Florida in the Capital Division.

The Law Office of Jessica J. Yeary provides three types of services to clients: investigations conducted by certified criminal defense investigators, social work support, and criminal defense. Interns within the criminal defense team work on capital punishment cases draft memorandum, providing support, and taking part in advocacy during the Florida legislative session.
“I chose FSU because of the unparalleled opportunities offered and the vibrant community that our campus provides,” Klostreich said. “I have been afforded so many opportunities including studying at University College London which inspires me to analyze how these international injustices compare at the local level and promote the development of the legal system.”
Klostreich is also maintains involvements on campus including serving as a Senator for the College of Social Science and Public Policy in the FSU Student Senate, the Historian for the FSU Student Senate, and is a Trip Leader for Outdoor Pursuits.
She hopes to join the Peace Corp before returning back stateside to pursue a career as an international human rights attorney.
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