Student Spotlight: Taylor Kinsley Chewning

Taylor Kinsley Chewning – a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science – accepted a position as a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee.

Headshot of Taylor Kinsley Chewning
Taylor Kinsley Chewning

Chewning will graduate from Florida State University in May 2025 and will begin her position with UT in Fall 2025.

“Throughout my time as a graduate student, I have been blessed with many opportunities to co-author with my professors and fellow graduate students and have learned invaluable skills about conducting research and navigating the peer-review process through these collaborations,” Chewning said. “My professors shaped me as a researcher, and I am incredibly grateful for all their advice. Further, I could not have accomplished anything without Jesus Christ, and my family and friends that have supported me along the way.”

While at FSU, Chewning was a member, treasurer, and leader of the Political Science Graduate Student Association (PSGSA). She previously helped organize the annual PSGSA methodological training workshop for Ph.D. graduate students in the social sciences.

She was also asked by the Political Science Department to serve as the Graduate Student Representative for its Quality Enhancement Review.

When asked about her most impactful experience at FSU, Chewning talked about publishing meaningful, policy-relevant research with FSU professors and graduate students on political behavior and public opinion. Her research focuses on cybersecurity, American foreign policy, and international conflict.

After graduation, Chewning plans on moving to Tennessee with her husband and two golden retrievers to begin her new job at the University of Tennessee.

“As a professor there, I am eager to continue to pursue my research interests, collaborate with colleagues, publish in high-quality journals, and engage with students in topics I am passionate about,” Chewning said. “My time as a Ph.D. student at FSU has prepared me for all these goals.”

To learn more about FSU’s Political Science program, visit