FSU Research Team Receives $500,000 Grant from EPA Program to Revitalize Former Industrial Land

A collaborative, interdisciplinary team with researchers from College of Social Sciences and Public Policy was awarded a $500,000 grant from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Brownfields Revitalization Anti-Displacement Strategies (BRADs) Program.

FSU Research Team Wins Environmental Protection Agency Grant to Advance Southeast Florida Action on Climate Change

A Florida State University research team received a nearly quarter-million-dollar grant from the Environmental Protection Agency to help Southeast Florida advance local action on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Senator and COSSPP Alumnus Speaks to FSU Students and Faculty

Florida State University Department of Urban and Regional Planning alumnus and Senator Bobby Powell (MSP ’06) gave a talk about planning issues in Florida and their influence on legislation on Thursday, April 18, in Bellamy. During this informative session, Senator Bobby Powell connected with current students and faculty. “DURP is greatly appreciative when one of our […]

Research Spotlight: “Identification and Prioritization of Multidimensional Resilience Factors for Incorporation in Coastal State Transportation Infrastructure Planning”

Florida State University Assistant Professor Juyeong Choi, Ph.D. of FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, doctoral students Hiba Jalloul and Navid Nickdoost, and Planner-in-Residence Dennis Smith, AICP of Urban and Regional Planning, co-authored, “Identification and Prioritization of Multidimensional Resilience Factors for Incorporation in Coastal State Transportation Infrastructure Planning,” published in Natural Hazards.

Research Spotlight: “Can Florida’s Coast Survive Its Reliance on Development? Fiscal Vulnerability and Funding Woes Under Sea Level Rise”

Florida State University Associate Professors of Urban and Regional Planning, William Butler, Ph.D., Tisha Holmes, Ph.D, and doctoral student Anthony Milordis, co-authored, “Can Florida’s Coast Survive Its Reliance on Development? Fiscal Vulnerability and Funding Woes Under Sea Level Rise.” published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, one of the flagship journals of the field of urban planning.