
Research Spotlight: Environmental Justice & Green Space Access: Inequities at the Intersection of Disability, Race, & Class

Sandy Wong, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Florida State University. Below Dr. Wong discusses her recently published article, “Environmental Justice & Green Space Access: Inequities at the Intersection of Disability, Race, & Class.” 

COSSPP graduate student joins latest cohort of McKnight Fellows

A Geography graduate student in the College of Social Sciences and Public Policy was among the fourteen Florida State University graduate students from underrepresented populations joining the 2022-2023 cohort of McKnight Doctoral and Dissertation Fellows, funded by the Florida Education Fund, or FEF.

FSU researcher finds forest canopies are warmer than previously thought

A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Florida State University researcher Stephanie Pau, Ph.D., and team finds that temperatures in forest canopies are higher than previous estimates, threatening forests’ vital role in mitigating global warming.