international affairs

Alumni Spotlight: Matthew Becker

Matthew Becker, Ph.D. – two-time FSU alumnus (B.S. Political Science ’07 & M.S. International Affairs ’09) – was nominated by the U.S. Department of State to serve as a member of the U.S. Delegation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as an international election observer for the June 2 local election. He served with the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights’ Election Observation Mission to Serbia, for the country’s June elections.

COSSPP History Series: International Affairs Program

Established in 1953, the International Affairs (IA) Program at Florida State University is one of the oldest international affairs programs in the South. IA strives to support its students through a holistic learning experience through internships, study abroad programs, and other professional development opportunities. The program is also recognized as one of the most demographically diverse programs here at Florida State. According to the latest rankings by Niche, IA is ranked 35th among public university programs nationwide. 

Florida State University Alumni Association Names First Hispanic Chair of National Board of Directors

Javier Borges – an FSU alumnus (B.S. International Affairs & Multinational Business ’97) – will make history as the first Hispanic chair of the FSU Alumni Association’s board of directors, effective July 1.

Florida State University Honors 37 COSSPP Student Leaders through Torchbearer 100 Program

The Division of Student Affairs at Florida State University proudly honored the 2024 inductee class for the Torchbearer 100 program during a celebration on April 15 at the FSU Student Union. Of the entire inductee class, 37 COSSPP students were among them. The Torchbearer 100 program is a longstanding tradition which recognizes a diverse group of 100 undergraduate students who have shown exceptional leadership and achievement during their collegiate careers.

Two COSSPP Students Earn Spots in Latest Cohort of John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program

Two College of Social Sciences and Public Policy students were selected to participate in the Faith & Politics Institute’s John Robert Lewis Scholars & Fellows Program, allowing them to become part of a nationwide network of emerging leaders inspired to create positive societal change. This marks the fourth straight year FSU students have earned spots in the program.

Three COSSPP Students Receive Gilman Scholarship to Study Abroad 

Three COSSPP students were among the 17 Florida State University students selected for scholarships through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. The recipients will build foreign language skills and experience culture abroad this summer in their respective fields.