Mark Horner, Ph.D., Professor of Geography; Michael Duncan, Ph.D.; Professor of Urban and Regional Planning; and Dennis J. Smith, Planner-in-Residence for Urban and Regional Planning, co-authored the article “Ridership Dynamics and Characteristics of Potential Riders of a Transit System: The SunRail of Central Florida” in the journal Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
Research Spotlight: LGBTQ Young Adults’ Attitudes Toward Workplace Antidiscrimination Policies: A Cross-National Analysis Between the US and Japan
Florida State University Professor of Sociology Koji Ueno, Ph.D., was the lead author of “LGBTQ Young Adults’ Attitudes Toward Workplace Antidiscrimination Policies: A Cross-National Analysis Between the US and Japan.” The article was published in Sexuality Research and Social Policy and examines how national contexts shape LGBTQ workers’ attitudes toward workplace antidiscrimination policies by comparing the US and Japan.