The College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Student Leadership Council and Power of WE Host Agree to Disagree 2024 

From left: Dean Tim Chapin, Samantha Weiss, Dr. Carol Weissert, Annie Blanchard

The College of Social Sciences and Public Policy Student Leadership Council (SLC) and Power of WE jointly hosted Agree to Disagree 2024: Florida Politics on April 3, 2024. 

Agree to Disagree is an annual event built on the conviction that people of differing political viewpoints can engage across differences. Participants heard from expert Carol Weissert, Ph.D., about key issues in Florida politics, then were seated with others from across the political spectrum for a guided discussion over dinner. Dr. Weissert was previously a LeRoy Collins Eminent Scholar and is Professor Emerita from FSU’s Political Science department. Dr. Weissert also served as director of the LeRoy Collins Institute at FSU. 

“Sitting down and sharing a meal with someone who thinks differently from you is a crucial first step in challenging echo chambers and polarization,” said Annie Blanchard, Director of Power of WE. Annie is an FSU Presidential Scholar majoring in Political Science and Media Communication Studies. She plans to graduate in Spring 2024 and attend law school after graduation. 

Agree to Disagree 2024 marks the first time the event has focused on a particular theme. Participants engaged in three rounds of discussion regarding Florida Politics. The first round focused on what makes Florida unique, the second round focused on Florida’s education system, and the third round focused on immigration and Florida’s demographics. 

“Power of WE is a student led initiative to build shared spaces and bridge civic divides on FSU’s campus,” Blanchard said. “We believe that engaging across differences is vital to building a more united campus community.” 

The SLC is involved in the planning, logistics, and promotion of Agree to Disagree, alongside Power of WE.  

“This event is a great tradition between our two organizations,” said Samanatha Weiss, Vice Chair of the SLC and current second-year student majoring in Political Science and Media Communication Studies. “It demonstrates the importance of encouraging civil discourse on a range of political topics in a safe environment.” 

To learn more about Power of WE, view their Instagram here

To learn more about the SLC, view their Instagram here

View the full album and download original resolution images on our Flickr!

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